SonoScholar Publishing

Welcome to SonoScholar Publishing
What you will find here is a collection of academic and educational materials generated over a forty-year journey though clinics, classrooms, engineering backrooms, and countless encounters with practicing sonography professionals, entry-level beginners, and students. A common interest shared by educators and students alike is access to sonography materials written by a sonographer for sonographers. Educational materials where content is not dumbed-down into seemingly disconnected, random bullet points but also not so far off into the stratosphere that it takes an advanced academic degree to comprehend. It has long been my goal as an educator to translate esoteric physical principles and complex engineering concepts into language that healthcare practitioners can not only understand but can enjoy learning. It is my hope that the sonography physics and instrumentation (SPI) and hemodynamics textbooks offered here, which have evolved over many years of learning about, writing about, and teaching diagnostic medical sonography, will help further this goal.