Vascular Ultrasound & Hemodynamics
Hemodynamics for Sonographers is a concise but comprehensive examination of the underlying physical principles of arterial and venous blood flow in the human circulatory system. Generously illustrated with full-color illustrations of physical concepts, anatomical models, and sonographic correlates, this book is an excellent text for individuals new to vascular ultrasound. It also is a great reference volume for sonographers already practicing. Individual chapters cover the scientific and physical principles underlying peripheral vascular hemodynamics, principles specific to arterial and venous flow, and a comprehensive illustrated atlas of peripheral vascular circulation with Doppler and sonographic imaging correlates.

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Chapter Titles
Hemodynamics: Physical Principles
Arterial Hemodynamics
Systemic Arterial Hemodynamics
Venous Hemodynamics
Systemic Venous Hemodynamics
Generously Illustrated for Visual Learners